Noms spirituels : Prononciation et orthographe (texte sur un seul nom)

Click here to learn more about pronunciations.

If the recording above is not clear, please contact us so we can make a new recording.


How to use your name as a meditation

We encourage you to use your spiritual name as your personal mantra. It is a powerful support to help you keep up and to elevate your spirit. Here is a simple way to integrate it into your daily life:

  1. Listen carefully to the recording of your spiritual name until you feel you can accurately pronounce it.
  2. Practice saying it correctly.
  3. Once you feel you have mastered the correct pronunciation, use your mobile phone to create a recording of your spiritual name.
  4. Listen to the recording on repeat, and meditate for 3, 11 or 31 minutes (or whatever timing feels right to you).
  5. Try this for 40 days. Do the best you can. Even if you don’t pronounce it 100% accurately, you will still receive benefits.

We’d love to hear about your experience. You can email us at [email protected].